About Us


Peace Ridge was founded in 2001 in order to address animal cruelty, neglect and exploitation, and to promote vegan ethics in New England. We advocate for all animals – farmed animals, equines, companion animals, and wildlife.

We believe society needs to rethink the way that it views and interacts with animals in order to become a more peaceful and just society. We believe that social justice cannot be achieved unless we acknowledge the social injustice we perpetrate on animals.

Situated on 1,725 acres in the rolling hills of Mid Coast Maine, PRS runs four state-licensed, nonprofit shelters that are currently home to over 600 rescued farmed animals, equines, and companion animals that come from all types of situations where they have been neglected, exploited, or abused.

We focus on helping the hardest to place animals – those for whom Peace Ridge is their only chance of survival. When state and local animal control officers need a safe place to bring farmed animals, equines, special needs dogs, or other animals that most shelters are unable to take on, we open our doors time and time again. Since our founding, we have rescued over 2,000 animals and will continue to spread our compassion in the future.


Our mission is to provide permanent sanctuary to once abused and neglected animals, with a particular focus on farmed animals. We also promote compassionate lifestyle choices through humane education.

Our Programs

Sanctuary Operations
Peace Ridge Sanctuary is a non-profit organization currently operating four high-capacity, state-licensed animal shelters – but PRS is so much more than a shelter – it’s a world-class animal refuge with an important mission. Peace Ridge Sanctuary provides a permanent home to over 600 rescued animals at any given time. All of our residents enjoy the life they were previously denied. Many of our rescues involve intensive rehabilitation and we provide the highest level of daily, individualized care by a dedicated team that supplies the very best in veterinary care and sheltering practices. While our work is grounded in professionalism and knowledge, at the end of the day, everything we do is fueled by love.

Our lifesaving rescue programs are an essential and important service here in our community where there are so many animals who need help - we run the only licensed animal shelters in Waldo County, Maine. We are constantly striving to stretch to do as much as we can for animals, growing whenever we can do to more. 

Farmed Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
Farmed animals make up the majority of domesticated animals here in the state of Maine, but unlike companion animals, there aren't many shelter organizations that are able to help with this demographic, especially with larger farmed animals. For cows, pigs, goats, sheep, ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys, and rabbits needing help, PRS is often their only hope. We focus on helping the hardest to place animals and direct our efforts toward helping with emergency cases where animals are suffering from medical neglect, starvation, abuse, and/or are unlikely to survive if someone does not intervene. Most of our animals come directly from calls for help from the State of Maine Animal Welfare Program, or from our own investigations of emergency, cruelty, and neglect cases. PRS is home to roughly 500 rescued farmed animals who are promised life-long sanctuary.

Equine Rescue & Sanctuary
In addition to our farmed animal rescue programs, PRS also has opened our doors to horses and donkeys in need here in Maine and is currently a permanent home to over 50 equines. Each of these rescues are coming from local cruelty, neglect, and starvation cases and we always prioritize helping those who need us the most. In the coming years, PRS is looking to expand our equine rescue programs to better help state officials with the caseload for this under-served demographic.

Our Shelters
PRS's shelters provide rescue, rehabilitation, and permanent sanctuary to a range of species, including equines, farmed animals, and domestic companion animals. PRS currently operates four shelters:

High Meadow Farm: Brooks, ME – our flagship shelter facility, home to 500+ animals

Low Meadow Farm: Brooks, ME – our rehabilitation facility for special needs animals

Little River Farm: Belfast, ME – our model shelter and educational center

Northeast Equine Sanctuary: Freedom & Albion, ME – our 640 acre equine rescue facility

Our organization currently runs one of the only shelters in the Northeast to be accredited by the prestigious Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries – an international accrediting board that ensures animals receive the very best care and nonprofits are operated with integrity. In 2024, Peace Ridge Sanctuary was proudly awarded the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries Outstanding Sanctuary of the Year Award. 

Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife conservation and land preservation have long been a cornerstone of our model for animal sheltering. As an organization, we are constantly striving to do the most good for animals and for the environment. We believe conservation is a valuable part of our mission work. It is a fact - they aren’t making more land and wildlife is an integral part of our dwindling natural landscape so wild spaces are a finite resource that we are determined to help conserve. As such, we are constantly striving to protect as much of the special place we call home for the benefit of all creatures. In addition to running one of the largest animal sanctuaries in the Northeast, PRS stewards and protects 1,725 acres of farm and forest land for conservation and wildlife protection.

Humane Education
PRS runs a comprehensive humane education program, focused on helping the public to better understand the issues that domesticated and wild animals face. Our sanctuaries set a stage for learning through modeling a more compassionate way of living and interacting with other species. Our rescued animals are ambassadors for those who weren't lucky enough to be rescued and telling their stories of healing and learning to trust after lifetimes of abuse moves people to reconsider their own relationships with animals and their personal choices. We educate from an intersectional perspective. In a typical year, we welcome thousands for free, educational tours and guided nature walks. We also host special programming for local children and those with special needs. We have a significant social media presence, integral to bringing our work and message to those who aren’t able to visit in person. Educating for a better future is essential to growing our impact and creating a better world for animals, humans, and our shared planet. 

Companion Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
PRS is home to roughly 50-75 companion animals at any given time, including adoptable dogs, but also providing safe, long-term sanctuary homes for senior, hospice, and special needs dogs who wouldn't typically be good candidates for adoption. Each of our sanctuary dogs enjoys living in comfortable home environments where they are fostered by caregivers who live here on site. They are beloved members of our PRS family.